About EurasianDoll

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Darwin, Australia
Welcome to my Blog where good food, good wine and good company is a must! After all, you only live once so you should enjoy life to the fullest. For me, enjoying life is eating delicious food. Of course, there are other things that are just as important like having family, friends, good relationships, etc. But this is about FOOD! Nom Nom Nom. This does not mean it has to be the most expensive meal as sometimes even the most simplest meals can be the most delicious. And also, since I am allergic to shellfish, I would probably not be able to order the most expensive meal on the menu (which tends to be seafood). Does this limit me? Perhaps. It just gives me more room to enjoy all the other foods out there. Thank you for stopping by and leave a comment or any suggestions or requests as I would love to get to know my readers out there. “Cooking is like making love, you do it well, or you do not do it at all”

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Strawberry Ice-Cream

Now that I have an ice-cream maker, I am obsessed with ice-cream. It really is such an easy dessert to make and the flavour combinations are endless. Here is a simple way to make strawberry ice-cream. 


  • 500g strawberries
  • 175g caster sugar, plus 2 tablespoons
  • 500ml full-fat milk
  • 500ml double cream
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


Serves: 10-12.

  1. Hull and roughly chop the strawberries, put them into a bowl and sprinkle over the 2 tablespoons of caster sugar and leave them to steep and infuse with flavour.
  2. Pour the milk and cream into a heavy-based saucepan, and add the vanilla pod, split down the middle lengthways. Bring the pan nearly to the boil and then take it off the heat and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  3. In a large bowl whisk the egg yolks and the 175g sugar until thick and pale yellow. Take the vanilla pod out of the milk and cream and pour, whisking the while, the warm liquid over the yolks. Put the cleaned-out pan back on the heat with the cream, milk, egg and sugar mixture and stir the custard until it thickens, then take it off the heat and pour it into a bowl to cool.
  4. Puree the strawberries in a processor, and when the custard is cool fold in the lemon juice and strawberry puree.
  5. At this point you can either freeze the ice cream in an ice-cream maker, or in a plastic tub in the freezer. If you do the latter you should whip it out every hour for 3 hours as it freezes and give it a good beating, either with an electric whisk, by hand or in the processer. That gets rid of any ice crystals that form and that make the ice cream crunchy rather than smooth.

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